Food Bank
The King’s Pantry is our food bank that provides regular, practical support for local people in financial need.
The Food Bank started in 2013, supporting families working through debt issues in partnership with Harpenden Money Advice Centre. At the start of the Covid pandemic, we joined with The Salvation Army to support Harpenden Cares, and during that year, we delivered 2,300 food parcels to just fewer than 100 households.
Now Bethany Community Church and The Salvation Army run the King’s Pantry as a shared project. With support from Harpenden Town Council and the Harpenden Trust, we now have a dedicated food store at The Salvation Army Hall and continue to provide support to families in need in the Harpenden area.
Each food parcel provided consists of a range of items including tinned and dried foods and household products. We also partner with The Hygiene Bank to provide toiletries and other household items each month.
How to donate to The King’s Pantry?
For the most part food that we give out is supplied by local donations. A number of local groups, schools, churches and other organisations provide food on a regular basis as well as through appeals such as Harvest festivals and Christmas collections.
Donations can be made at the Co-op’s in Southdown and Batford, throughout the week or at The Salvation Army hall on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 09:30 and 11:30am.
If you would like to give items to the King’s Pantry food bank please email foodbank@bethanycc.org.uk to be included in our regular updates or visit to see the current list of needs for helping to re-fill our shelves.
How to get help?
If you are struggling to feed your family the Food Bank takes referrals through a number of agencies, including Harpenden Money Advice Centre, Harpenden Trust, Citizens Advice and local Church offices.
If you are in a position where you are struggling with debt please get in touch with Harpenden Money Advice Centre. Call them on 07954 276281 or email info@harpendenmoneyadvicecentre.co.uk
Making a difference
Through The King’s Pantry and Harpenden Money Advice Centre (HMAC), we have seen a number of people’s lives turned around. It is great to have the opportunity to show people the unconditional love of God through practical support.
The good news is that we are seeing households get to the point where they no longer need our support. Their finances are moving in the right direction, and they are out of debt. The King’s Pantry is supported by a great team of volunteers who sacrificially give their time to this amazing work.

Community Groups
A place to belong, grow and serve. Whether you’re new to church or have been coming for a while, we invite you to join us as we journey together.

Debt Counselling
Compassionate care for your journey to financial freedom.

Senior Lunches
Celebrating and honouring our beloved seniors with delicious food and fellowship.