Calling all children from reception to year 6!
A superhero movie night with hot dogs in honour of Bolt (our movie hero), superhero punch and snacks and superhero crafts.
Kids can bring their school friends to enjoy the movie and crafts in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Drop them off at 5.30 and pick them up two hours later – giving you time for some shopping or a coffee with a friend.
All the Be. Kids team are DBS checked.
Prices are:
Booked online:
£4 per child.
Families with 3 or more children = £10 for 3 children, £2 per additional child.
On the door:
£5 on the door.
Families with 3 or more children = £12 for 3 children, £3 per additional child.
There is an online ticket option for those who can pay more to pay forward and help another family, please select that if you are able to. Any extra raised will go towards supporting families through the Kings Pantry food bank.
If you are unable to afford for your children to attend, please don’t let that put you off – let us know and we will see what we can do.
The venue is TBC.
If you have any questions, please contact Jessamy Kinghorn, Children’s Worker, on 07759 222251 or