What We Believe

What we believe matters. It defines our identity, fuels our passion, and empowers us to make a difference.


We affirm the profound belief that God the Son took on human form and dwelt among us. Jesus, miraculously conceived by the virgin Mary, was both fully divine and fully human, living a sinless life. He willingly embraced crucifixion, sacrificing himself to remove the barrier of sin between humanity and God.

Though we deserved death, Jesus stepped forward and died in our place, reconciling us to God. Through Jesus’ sacrificial death, the power of evil was shattered, restoring our intimate relationship with God.

We wholeheartedly believe in Jesus’ resurrection, as he triumphantly conquered death, demonstrating the future hope for all believers. He ascended to be with God, reigning over all creation. Jesus is the exclusive pathway to God, embodying truth and grace.


At Bethany, we wholeheartedly embrace the belief in the one true God, eternally existing as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God, the creator and sustainer of the universe, sovereignly governs all things and will ultimately restore what has been broken.

As the righteous judge, God determines what is just and righteous. Guided by boundless love, God extends grace beyond measure, freely offering what we cannot earn. With unrivalled authority, God answers to no higher power, demonstrating supreme sovereignty in all things.

Holy Spirit

We wholeheartedly embrace the transformative presence of the person The Holy Spirit in our lives. He convicts us of our shortcomings, empowers us to live according to God’s will, and enables us to extend love and share the message of Jesus with others.

Through the Holy Spirit, we experience spiritual rebirth, finding our identity and purpose in Christ. He guides our steps, granting us the breath of life and constant communion with Jesus.

The Bible

We hold a deep reverence for the Bible, recognising it as the inspired Word of God. It is through the Scriptures that God reveals Himself and imparts divine wisdom. The Bible serves as our unwavering foundation of Truth, guiding us in living lives that honour and please God.

We rely on its timeless teachings to shape our beliefs, values, and actions, seeking to align ourselves with God’s perfect will revealed within its sacred pages.



We cherish the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, recognizing that each person is fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. We believe in the profound capacity for love, devotion to God, and stewardship of creation that defines our human nature.

Yet, the reality of sin has disrupted this divine design, provoking God’s righteous anger. We humbly acknowledge our accountability before God, understanding our need for redemption and restoration through the saving grace of Jesus Christ.


We embrace the transformative power of God’s mercy and grace. Salvation is not something we can earn, but a gift freely bestowed upon us by God.

Through faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrificial death on our behalf, we are reconciled to God and find true redemption. We believe that eternal life is not merely a future promise, but a present reality that shapes our daily existence, enabling us to live with purpose and hope in the here and now.

The Church

We believe the Church is the tangible expression of God’s presence in the world. It encompasses local communities of believers united in specific locations and extends to the global family of Christians. We believe in the priesthood of all believers, granting each individual direct access to God.

The Holy Spirit empowers and equips the Church with diverse gifts. Our purpose is to proclaim the transformative gospel, inviting everyone into a personal relationship with God, and to actively pursue justice and love in our communities and beyond.

When Jesus Return

We eagerly anticipate the glorious return of Jesus to the earth. His personal and visible presence will bring fulfilment and restoration to the Church. We affirm the resurrection of all individuals, who will be held accountable for their lives.

Those who have experienced the new birth will receive everlasting life, while those who have not will face eternal consequences. Jesus will establish a new heaven and a new earth as one place, ushering in a realm of unending joy and divine perfection.